vendredi 6 novembre 2015

"Faster Expansions..."

Hey remember when you guys claimed that expansions would be shorter and faster as Blizzard promised, instead of just having less meat to them while just lasting just as long and costing as much if not more? Remember when you guys claimed that Legion might hit as early Spring 2016? Seems more like Autumn 2016 by now.

But hey, 15-16 months of 6.2 is still technically shorter than. About 2~ Months longer than SoO, technically still shorter than Dragon Soul, I give you guys that! :D

"Faster Expansions..."

Priest Artifacts.!

Look at them here:

I at least hope that i can anathema on that dagger thing...

Priest Artifacts.!

To Origins or not to Origins...

So what do you guys think of the Origins edition?

I'm definitely going to get the game, but I'm wondering if the $20 is worth the extra skins and a new WoW pet (I don't play SC/HS/HotS/Diablo so the other perks are useless to me).

To Origins or not to Origins...

Legion Artifact and Outlaw Specialization

Assassination - Anguish and Sorrow

Outlaw – The Dreadblades (Fate and Fortune)

Subtlety – Fangs of the Devourer

Legion Artifact and Outlaw Specialization

WTF, HS getting new adventure this Thursday?!!

After TGT expansion like 2 months ago? wow, just wow.

The post below got me "Infractions". I am bringing this up again, prolly i am getting banned, but my point remains.

"Hearthstone new adventure coming April 2nd - WoW fans should be worried.

After a major expansion GvG released about three months ago. I feel this is a dangerous sign showing Bliz is shifting their focus/manpower to other games.
I read somewhere HS is generating tons of profit (not as much as WoW yet but getting close) and I suppose it takes much less to develop.

As a profit making company this is what they are supposed to do. But for WoW fans this may be another reason next content patch won't come as fast as you want. "

WTF, HS getting new adventure this Thursday?!!

[possible story spoiler] Noticed this on the front page of the legion store

I noticed on the store page:

that it says 'Command the resistance' (above the class hall part) :

Command the resistance

Take charge of your Order Hall, a base of operations and rallying point for heroes of your class. Strategize with your comrades, rally new recruits, and send your most trusted followers out on class-specific missions to prove your order’s might.


Is this proof that we lose the initial invasion battle? Seems to me like we're gonna get our asses wooped (this would also explain how we get all the legendary weapons, our heroes will get killed or captured!) .. could be a bitchin storyline to free our champs!

.. what do you think?!

[possible story spoiler] Noticed this on the front page of the legion store

Movies to all of Blizzards games

Is it to farfetched to deduct from the artwork Blizzard is presenting to be the base of movies. Seeing as they did a co-lab with the overwatch trailer id love to see it. The characters look amazing in all games!!!

Movies to all of Blizzards games

Golden Monkey

I hope everyone is recording their matches to upload the magical moment when they get to play this card.

Golden Monkey

Bye Ben Carson

Admits he made up story about going to West Point.

Bye Ben Carson


Is it just me or does it sound kinda lame?
A webspinner with tracking combined?


Another first Gaming PC Post

Hello all,

As the title says, I'm building my first gaming PC. Actually make that first EVER pc build of any type. I currently have a premade alienware x51 that's about 4 years old (yeah yeah, worst thing to do ever but it was my only option at the time...) and am going to try my hand at building. From time to time on the main page I see sample builds for computers ranging from $500 to $1200 and decided that I was going to look at the $700-$800 price range. I took a few minutes and threw together this pcpartpicker build based on the items expressed in that category.

The real question is: Are the parts "good enough"? I know this is vague so let me elaborate on what I plan to do. I currently use two monitors, which the gtx 960 supports, and play mostly everything from Blizzard games, to FPS's like CoD and adventure games such as Fallout. So, pretty much everything that's coming out in the next months etc. I'm not looking to get 1000 frames in League of Legends or have super ultra graphics in the new fallout, but I would like the game to be playable (aka: smooth without stuttering) and at least look nice.

(www) // be sure to remove the (); first post so no url for me.

The only issue I have is I cannot seem to understand if the case has enough room for dual monitor and what the connection type would be (HDMI etc), has enough usb ports, and if everything will fit. While the main page of the website suggested this case, pcpartpicker states... "The NZXT Source 210 Elite (White) ATX Mid Tower Case supports video cards up to 330mm long, but video cards over 230mm may block drive bays. Since the MSI GeForce GTX 960 2GB Video Card is 273mm long, some drive bays may not be usable." This makes me wonder if I should buy a larger case or if it's just one of those "could happen" warnings.

If there are any suggestions or upgrades that could be recommended I would definitely take a look. If everything is set to go I will see about purchasing the parts to get this whole ordeal underway.

Another first Gaming PC Post

Face it, gents...

Just look at this opening ceremony... Blizzard now is all about movies, esports and F2P games.

Face it, gents...


Buy a virtual ticket and grab cho gall or partner up with someone that want a chogall !!!!!


you can now press on pre purchase legion on site,

takes you to 404 page not found but you can click on it now, so i guess we will be able to buy it tonite?

you can now press on pre purchase legion on site,

Hillary calls for fed investigation when Exxon doesn't give money to her Foundation


Hillary Clinton is calling for a federal investigation of ExxonMobil’s climate change activities just months after the company neglected to renew its sponsorship of the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting.

ExxonMobil, which is being accused by global warming activists of misleading the public about climate change, has given between $ 1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and sponsored the CGI annual meeting in 2014. But this year, the oil giant was one of six major corporations that stopped sponsoring the event, according to USA Today.
So basically what we have here is blackmail.

Clinton takes these companies money for years as she compromises on her "beliefs" and gives assurances to oil companies that all the AGW hot air she spews to garner votes wont impact them.

But when the money stops flowing the gloves come off and now its suddenly time to investigate.

It doesn't matter where you stand on Hillary or global warming this is wrong.

This is pure government corruption and Clinton should be the one getting investigated ...again.

Hillary calls for fed investigation when Exxon doesn't give money to her Foundation

Can we wathc World and Content Overview for Legion live, without the virtual ticket?

Can't seem to find anything, sorry if its a stupido question :)

Can we wathc World and Content Overview for Legion live, without the virtual ticket?

Overwatch Origins is sixty bucks.

Just went live.

edit: standard is 40. collector's doesn't say?

Overwatch Origins is sixty bucks.

So SC will have DLCs next year

Will blizz do the same to WoW and make every patch DLCs? like 9.99 for patch 7.1 etc?

So SC will have DLCs next year

Blizzcon stream for people without virtual ticket

There's actually someone streaming Blizzcon on Twitch:

Audio quality is really shitty but it's better than nothing.

Blizzcon stream for people without virtual ticket

Warlock Legion Thread

Since what's happening to Warlocks is no longer Speculation, This is a new thread for discussion on Warlocks in legion.
OP will be updated as Blizzcon reveals more.

Warlock Legion Thread

Early Access of DH?

Gotta be honest, this was truly my only main gripe I had when I saw that link for pre-purchase Legion. I know other companies do this kind of early access stuff but those same companies are usually the ones that are known for their gaming practices that are seen as a huge negative for their overall community. This was one of those moments where I was like... Why are they doing this? I mean, its a freaking hero class. How can they do something like this?

What do you guys think?

Early Access of DH?

So looks like D.Va is a mech pilot.

Cute mech pilot hype.
Mei-Ling on the far bottom left?

So looks like D.Va is a mech pilot.

VT Problem: "This video isnt encoded for your device"

hELP1 :confused:

VT Problem: "This video isnt encoded for your device"


I love Bob Ross


Specian unknown goodie for virtual ticket holders

The hosts said there would be a special goodie for virtual ticket holders, what does everyone think it could be?

Specian unknown goodie for virtual ticket holders

Blizzcon stream quality.

Is only 720p HD available? My internet is weak and I wonder if there is some 480p quality available.

Blizzcon stream quality.

Who is the most powerful Hearthstone hero in the Wow lore?

In the actual story of World of Warcraft, which of the 9 Heroes is the most powerful? Who would you put your money on winning a grand battle to the death?

For cards I assume Deathwing is the most powerful as well.

Who is the most powerful Hearthstone hero in the Wow lore?

Let blizzard stand alone! Be gone Activision

LOL. Would just like to see how many people who think that blizzard once again would shine without there fk faces to activision in there backs.
Let blizzard create what they love, Games, not money milking cows.

Let blizzard stand alone! Be gone Activision

[A] Blades Legacy - Silvermoon [EU] - 13/13 HFC HC - Recruiting for Mythic

Hi everyone, this is our recruiting post, we're Blades Legacy, an italian-only softcore raiding guild!
Since we're interested to keep our guild italian speaking only, the rest of the thread will be in italian language.

Ciao a tutti, i Blades Legacy reclutano player per espandere le fila in vista del nostro obiettivo di raidare Mythic content.

Il core delle Blades nasce più di 7 anni fa, in Vanilla, con il nome "Le Lame di Azeroth" (da qui poi Blades Legacy) sempre su Silvermoon. Il nostro gruppo di Officer è composto da veterani del gioco che hanno raidato hardcore da vanilla (AQ40, Naxx 40) ma ora abbiamo deciso di giocare in modo più rilassato insieme ad altri italiani, cercando di raidare poco ma bene: raidiamo solo 2 giorni a settimana (martedì e giovedì dalle 21:00 a mezzanotte), ma in quei 2 giorni richiediamo la stessa attitudine richiesta da gilde con un numero molto maggiore di raid settimanali.

Per il resto siamo un gruppo molto coeso, quasi tutti siamo amici in real life da diversi anni (alcuni dai tempi di DAoC, La 4a Profezia e Horizons, per dirne alcuni) anche se sparsi più o meno in tutta Italia. Organizziamo spesso dei raduni di gilda e siamo molto attivi su quasi tutti i giochi Blizzard (specialmente Diablo e Hearthstone)

Accedendo alla sezione application del nostro sito potrete visualizzare una breve spiegazione del funzionamento della gilda (regole, ranks, loot, etc) ed eventualmente trovare i BattleTag dei vari Officer per chiedere maggiori spiegazioni in game.

Questa breve introduzione non rende onore alla randomness generale che vige in gilda, quindi se siete interessati a capire perchè il pappagallo Perry è una colonna portante del nostro gruppo raid siete i benvenuti ad unirvi a noi !

[A] Blades Legacy - Silvermoon [EU] - 13/13 HFC HC - Recruiting for Mythic

[FAQ]: Blizzcon 2015 Live Stream, Free, When/Where To Watch, etc.

Where to watch on the internet:



It's also being live streamed via on the Xbox console system via Microsoft supporting Blizzcon

Blizzcon 2015 opening ceremony starts at 11 AM PST, 2 PM EST, and runs 15-30 minutes long, is free to watch, and typically contains the latest hyped Blizzard Entertainment news and announcements

The Blizzard Entertainment gaming eSports competitions are also free to watch and are live streamed

Blizzcon 2015 Friday schedule:
Blizzcon 2015 Saturday schedule:
Blizzcon 2015 Floor map:

Varying websites are also live blogging the Blizzcon 2015 event if you wish to "read" it live (rather than watch), and comment in varying chat rooms and forums during

[FAQ]: Blizzcon 2015 Live Stream, Free, When/Where To Watch, etc.

When will we get our in-game goodies?

When will we get them exactly?

When will we get our in-game goodies?

Patch 3.1 notes (preliminary)

Can be found here for those like me who aren't able to view the official site.

An absolute ton of QoL changes. One change that surprises me, though, is being able to convert centurio seals into an item exchangable for the 200 > 210 upgrade for esoteric gear. Kinda surprised that's been put in so soon. Suppose that's their method of "nerfing" Savage Alex (for the record, I haven't even bothered with trying savage).

Patch 3.1 notes (preliminary)

hope those at Blizzcon seriously question Blizz about reneging again

in previous blue posts/tweets they have stated or claimed:

- they actually started work on Legion in 2012
- the WOW DEV team as of Oct 2014 is the biggest ever
- the drought in CATA would never happen again, but did and was worse in in MOP, and now again and worse in WOD
- they announced prior to patch 6.2.2. they are quitting WOD to work on Legion
- faster expansions, less patches

WOD is turning out to be 15 months of HFC, even if they release Legion earlier 1-2 months Legion will only match the content drought of MOP or beat it by one month.

Many players based on blizz dev comments, perceived promises, and history of prior expacs to CATA seemed to think Legion would out early 2016. i myself thought it would be released prior to the movie early summer. i myself was rather disappointed with a approximate Sep 2016 date....imo, a total renege

hope those at Blizzcon seriously question Blizz about reneging again

Russia hits out at Charlie Hebdo over crash cartoon


Russia has heavily criticised French magazine Charlie Hebdo for two cartoons depicting the Sinai air crash in which 224 people, mostly Russians, died.

One cartoon shows debris falling on a member of Islamic State (IS) with a caption reading: "Russia's air force intensifies its bombing."
In the other, a skull and body parts of victims are depicted.

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Vladimir Putin, called the cartoons published by the satirical magazine "sacrilege".
"This has nothing to do with democracy or self-expression," he said.
Could Islamic State have bombed Flight 9268?
Metrojet crash: Key facts

How has airport security changed?

Charlie Hebdo, which is based in Paris, was the target of a terrorist attack in January. Two Islamist gunman killed 10 of the magazine's staff at its offices and two policemen outside.

The magazine has a history of controversial satire and has been accused previously of insensitivity. It was criticised by Twitter users on Friday, with the hashtag "I'm not Charlie" among the top trends in Russia - a reference to the "Je Suis Charlie" hashtag popular in the wake of the January attack.
Members of the Russian Duma (parliament) also hit out at the magazine, calling on the government to blacklist it as extremist literature and saying France should apologise.

Funeral for plane crash victim in Veliky Novgorod, Russia. 5 Nov 2015Image copyrightAP
Image caption

Funerals have been held in Russia for the plane crash victims
"It's not satire but filthy mockery," Ivan Melnikov, the deputy speaker of the lower house, told Russian state TV.
Writing on Twitter, the lower house of parliament's international affairs chief Alexei Pushkov said: "Is there any limit to Russophobia on the pages of Western media?

"As the whole world condoles with us, Charlie Hebdo preaches its vile right to sacrilege," he added.
Charlie Hebdo has not commented on the criticism.
Both UK and US authorities have said they suspect a bomb was responsible for the downing of Metrojet Flight 9268 on Saturday. Islamic State affiliate group Sinai Province has claimed responsibility for the crash.
The UK and Russia have cancelled flights out of Egypt's Sharm-el-Sheikh airport while the crash is investigated.

Russia hits out at Charlie Hebdo over crash cartoon

To Pre-Order or not to Pre-Order? EMERGENCY!

To Pre-Order or not to Pre-Order? This is the question we ask ourselves right now and i'll walk you through some important facts about it that can make you take a decision easier. It will be a TL;DR at the bottom of the thread.

These are some of the stuffs that is worth to think about before you do such a decision.

"Pros & Cons"
What happens when you pre-order?
-You get some items in various of games and in this cenarion a level 100 boost and get to play DH before those who don't Pre-order.
That's a few of the Pros but what are the cons of actually doing this?

These are some of the cons:
-You give money to the developers before a product is finished.
Thus goal is to finish a product then be rewarded with money at it end but giving money to them before could change the direction of the game.

To pre-order or not to pre-order! What has happen earlier?
Now i do want to comapre and remind you about certain important things when it comes to Pre-ordering and Blizzcon.

What happens once u pre-ordered?
Like we said before, giving out money before a product is finished is not the way to support a game or make it better.
A developers goal is to create a good game but also to get money and be rewarded for it.
If you pre-order he already recived his goal and would not care for the game as much he would if yet no reward has been claimed. What does this mean?
That they're available to put in less time and effort in the game because thus goal has already been finished " to claim money"

Here is WoD in earlier Blizzcon a great example. A lot of people did pre-order once blizzcon had phast because it looked so amazing and i am sure the developers had these kind of ideas in there minds but once all the money starts to flow in it clearly was shown that they did not care the same much and a lot of the things who where promised was cut out.

Blizzard has thrown tons of information and bad news upon us before Blizzcon "Late expansion" no sub quarters"

But this is what they will do to you now. They will tell you that they love you, they can't do this without you and show all this AWESOME content at blizzcon to make you Pre-order and belive in them. BUT REMEMBER, how this turned out the last time.
HOW MUCH DID THEY CARE FOR YOU once blizzcon was over?

So this is to remind you about making the decision about pre-ordering legion.
You might think that Pre-order does not damage the game but in fact it CAN damage it more then you think and you might be one of the reasons why it's getting bad.

TO CONCLUDE: To pre-order or not! "TL;DR"
Do not Pre-order now!
Wait to pre-order after AT LEAST Blizzcon and beta to this time see what they have promised, do not let same mistakes happen once again in Legion, that in worst scenarion can lead to a serious amount of damage to the game we all love or loved.

/Peace out /Aimscoes.

To Pre-Order or not to Pre-Order? EMERGENCY!

Demon hunter playable at Blizzcon

Seems like people can play demon hunters at blizzcon.
Beta soon ready or?

Demon hunter playable at Blizzcon

Vegans are ruining Guinness...

...but thankfully, Stephen Colbert is fighting back!

According to sources (, Guinness is changing it's 256-year-old recipe because a handful of vegans signed a petition on complaining about how the beer is filtered through fish bladders. Here's the original petition:

The original petition has only some 1800 signatures, yet Guinness is already bowing down and changing their recipe because of this. Colbert's petition, however, which is asking Guinness to keep their recipe untouched, already has 3500 signatures.

So, if you like your Guinness the way it is, go sign Colbert's petition. However, to be fair, the vegan petition is there as well, so if you'd rather ruin centuries of tradition that doesn't hurt anyone, you can sign that one.

Vegans are ruining Guinness...

Bye Hilary

Hilary Clinton Signed an NDA Laying Out Criminal Penalties for Mishandling of Classified Info and now the document has been found. She signed it and its a standard document all people in the State Department must sign. FACT

It explicitly laid out that stiff criminal penalties for mishandling of classified information. FACT

She clearly violated a the agreement by compromising classified information by storing and retaining it on a private server. FACT

Someone who is Secretary of State should damn well know if something is classified, it doesn't matter if it isn't marked classified to begin with. FACT

Hilary received at least 2 emails ALREADY LABELED as TS\SCI. FACT

Can someone please tell me how she didn't blatantly violate the NDA agreement?

Bye Hilary

can Blizz be sued for lack of LGBT character options

In this day and age we need to accommodate everyone or be sued so why isnt Blizz getting sued

can Blizz be sued for lack of LGBT character options

What is your favorite sandwich?

So I ordered a rueban today from a local amish deli and I love ruebans. Probably one of my favorite sandwiches. What is your favorite sandwich?

What is your favorite sandwich?

Sargeras/N'Zoth as a whole zone?

Given the size of these characters, both as story elements and as literal massive beings, do you think we could have an entire expansion zone comprised of one of these big bads?

Personally I love the idea of having to defeat N'Zoth from the inside. We could have dungeons like the Nose of N'Zoth, or the Spleen of Sargeras.

Sargeras/N'Zoth as a whole zone?

Features in Legion you WONT see

Alot of us are eagerly awaiting the blizzard panel to talk about the new features we will be seeing in Legion, but it got me wondering; what features that existed in the game so far will we NOT see in legion?

  • Farahlon
  • Dance studio
  • Garrison mission table
  • New class : Tinker

are there any features you specifically want blizzard to not include (or remove) ?

Features in Legion you WONT see

New content every 3 months

Do you agree? Sign on! I remember when I first started playing MMOs and the promise was new content every month because of the subscription fee every month. Now I know that was hard to pull off and wasn't always high quality, but the idea of regularly-spaced content was great. In WoW though there should be something new every 3 months...not all a huge patch with a raid tier but SOMETHING.

In MoP wasn't it something like alternating 3 months of raid tier and then zone/quest line/area? Wasn't that awesome? Every 3 months the story would progress either via a zone or via a raid tier. They should do that.

New content every 3 months

Would you stay subscribed if legion has no patches?

Just the base game, no 7.1, no 7.2. The expansion itself is it.

Would you stay subscribed if legion has no patches?

Wishful thinking - how about a Karazhan reboot between WoD and Legion?

What would you say if they would add a remade Karazhan in a small raid content patch between HFC and Legion? It wouldn't be very much work for them and nostalgia would be strong and Karazhan has strong connections to Warlords and the Legion (with the final boss an Eredar dropping Gorehowl)? Raiders had stuff to do until Legion is ready... it could drop the same itemlevel HFC does, maybe cool and powerful trinkets that help with higher difficulties in HFC.

Why Karazhan? Medivh, the Last Guardian, made his home in Deadwind Pass, in the bright tower of Karazhan. Medivh was secretly possessed by the dark spirit of Sargeras, the Destroyer of Worlds. Through Medivh, Sargeras opened the Dark Portal and allowed the orcs to wage war upon the kingdoms of Azeroth.

So this place would be the perfect connection between Sargeras and his Legion the alternative WoD and our Azeroth since it's a place outside time and space, too.

And there is this image from Legion:

Looks like a mirror of Karazhan tower...

Wishful thinking - how about a Karazhan reboot between WoD and Legion?

32GB Ballistix Crucial DDR3 1866 CL9 Ram

Way over priced, way over budget but was addicted to the lights! Also I couldn't bare to have blank ram bays

32GB Ballistix Crucial DDR3 1866 CL9 Ram

Well I guess we see the real reasons subscription numbers will no longer be given...

Would be mighty hard to tell shareholders that your game sub rate is dropping faster than a frat pledge's GPA.

Well I guess we see the real reasons subscription numbers will no longer be given...

735 Tank ring or 795 DPS ring for Blood BoS?

Can't really figure out the math on this one :o Ofcourse the 50% versatility for 15 seconds is pretty OP the amount of str. and multistrike your giving up is quite insane.

What if all that multistrike is the difference between 50% uptime and 75% uptime?

Anyone have a feeling of whats the right choice?

735 Tank ring or 795 DPS ring for Blood BoS?

Gmaing until Legion

Was just wondering what people will be spending there time with until legion.

I'm personally going to be sterieotipically say Fallout 4 when it launch's but at the way I consume Bethesda Products I expect I'll be hungering for something new by mid December.

Few other games out there I'm waiting for Like the next X-COM and there is always Blood Bowl 2 for the times in between.

Ya never get tired of Blood Bowl ya might get Salty but never tired.

Gmaing until Legion

Return of The Phoenix (Aggramar-Horde) is recruiting!

Return of the Phoenix (Aggramar-Horde) is recruiting for our raid team. We have been through some junk this tier so bear with us as we try to give a quick explanation..

The guild is 5 years old and has hosted raiding as recently as MoP, when toward the end of the expac, several members joined another guild to raid through the end of the final tier. The GM of Phoenix led the only Horde team on the server to a Heroic Garrosh kill while there, and into WoD- went into decent progression of Mythic Highmaul and Foundry. After a short break from the game he came back to a guild ready to transfer servers and a change of leadership. Choosing not to move, several of that Mythic team came home to Return of the Phoenix to raid. Assisting during that time are the current raid leaders of Phoenix. One has a 13/13H record in HFC, while the other was a member of HC's alt team (Burning Legion - US 56).

You'll notice our Guild Progress is 5/13N, but that is only due to (see above).

What we are looking for -

Since we have several slots open, and for all intent and purposes are starting fresh, we won't be quite as picky as you would expect from a progression guild.

We need dedicated, hardworking people.

We need people willing to have a little faith that what's posted here is not due to some ridiculous drama. It isn't.

We need you to be thorough on your app. If you don't have any recent raid experience, but were the bomb in SoO fine - talk to us. Apply at

We aren't concerned about your legendary ring per se. At this point you should at least be working on it. Working on it is fine.

We need folks with some patience while we recruit. In the interim we'll be clearing normal/heroic while the team grows and plays together, but an ounce of patience will be required.

Raid are looking to be Tuesday/Wednesday from 7:30-10:30 CST (8:30-11:30 EST) with an alt/casual run on Saturday.

Muleface#1192 or WolfofWar#1332

Return of The Phoenix (Aggramar-Horde) is recruiting!