Well, I now have an unbootable computer. I don't know what's wrong. When it tries to boot, it gets a BSOD, and it goes by too fast for me to possibly read it. I heard you can change this option by getting into a special menu with F8, but F8 doesn't do anything for me. I heave the option of loading Startup Repair, too, but its SLOOOOOOOOOOOOW! There's no way this can be right! (Maybe I need to put the harddrive on an eternal reader and grab the dumps.)
Prior to this, the OS was laggy. I was playing music with Winamp, and it k.....ept pausing. Prior to that, I had a mess where all the programs became unresponsive and I had to force a reboot. Now, this may be unrelated, but prior to all of this, I had not one but two harddrives start to fail. One of them did fail. Now, I'm being good as far as I know. I have a surge protector on this stuff. Is there a surge coming from within? Is it time for a new motherboard, and is that the only thing that will save me? Am I smarter than I look, or not?
I'm on a budget. I really don't want to have to replace everything if I can avoid it.
I'm running WIndows 7 on a Gigabyte H55M.
via Bleeping Computer Last 20 Posts http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/513409/cant-boot-up-anymore/
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