vendredi 1 novembre 2013

Need Help with Removing Adware Vundo Variant


I have tried removing Adware Vundo Variant with Malwarebytes, Super Anti-Spyware, Vundo Fix, Microsoft Security Essentials, Webroot Secure Anywhere, and Spybot Search and Destroy, without any type of success. The only program that even detects the Adware Vundo Variant, is the Super Anti-Spyware and, it can not completely remove the adware.

After removing the adware with Super Anti-Spyware, I would be prompted to reboot my computer (which I do), I would run SAS again, and the adware would be detected again. I have gone through this cycle several times, only to have the adware remain in my computer.

I would appreciate some help with this.


via Bleeping Computer Last 20 Posts

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