vendredi 6 novembre 2015

WTF, HS getting new adventure this Thursday?!!

After TGT expansion like 2 months ago? wow, just wow.

The post below got me "Infractions". I am bringing this up again, prolly i am getting banned, but my point remains.

"Hearthstone new adventure coming April 2nd - WoW fans should be worried.

After a major expansion GvG released about three months ago. I feel this is a dangerous sign showing Bliz is shifting their focus/manpower to other games.
I read somewhere HS is generating tons of profit (not as much as WoW yet but getting close) and I suppose it takes much less to develop.

As a profit making company this is what they are supposed to do. But for WoW fans this may be another reason next content patch won't come as fast as you want. "

WTF, HS getting new adventure this Thursday?!!

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