dimanche 29 septembre 2013

BSOD with nv4_mini.sys issue

Hello everyone,

I'm going to try to keep this story as short as possible, but it won't be easy, lol. Right now my computer will attempt to load windows (XP Home version w/SP3) but right after the splash screen I get a blue screen error then the computer will reboot and attempt to restart. The blue screen message states: (short version of message)

Problem seems to be casued by: nv4_mini.sys


Technical Info

***STOP: 0x000000CE (0xB7C2E6E0, 0x00000000, 0xB7C2E6E0, 0x00000000)


I had googled this issue and tried 2 "fixes" through the windows recovery console utilizing chkdsk /r as well as attempting to rename the file to nv4_mini.old. chkdsk had found and fixed 3 issues but that didn't help. Renaming the file did not work either because the file could not be found (???). I had also attempted to go back to last known good configuration, but that was no help either.

In my haste....otherwise known as stupidity and desperation :wacko: I attempted a windows repair installation from my windows cd. Needless to say that this didn't work either. I suspect that this has caused a bigger problem because I am unable to access safe mode due to "set up". I'm starting to think the only fix now will be a fresh install. Uggghh, I hope that I'm wrong.

Any assistance that you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

thank you

Mark :)

via Bleeping Computer Last 20 Posts http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/406519/bsod-with-nv4-minisys-issue/

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