I am having a big problem i would like fixing i searched on google, and their were many so called "solutions" but none have worked for me. Here are my problems...
First Issue "nvidia driver has stopped responding and has recovered" randomly NEVER while im in a game.
Random freezing and has ONLY ever happened when browsing/surfing on any internet page (again never during a game ever). happens every day. It takes 20 seconds before it unfreezes and goes back to normal. At this point in time i cant access my nvidia control panel.
Somtimes, My computer "monitor" will go into "Sleep Mode" where the Monitor shuts off and the power light goes from blue to "yellow" and at that point when i return it wont come back on! i have to RESTART my computer using the power button.
Another story to tell you. This all started 2 months ago.. I had brought my computer over to my girlfriends. All went well. hooked it up for night, and decided to go back home the next day. Unhooked everything carfully. and got home, reconnected everything back up and at that point same issue as stated "above" but this time i spend over 2 hrs trying to get a display to show no matter what NOTHING WORKED. even tried onboard. Nothing worked! i figured that it was time for a new mb/card.... or something, something was fried. I went to the local computer shop "Canada Computers" and the guy spent a good 30 min trying to get it to work and had told me that the "mb" was the issue and it was fried. No display. After ordering my new mb because they didnt have the one i wanted in stock. i decide to head home. the story doesnt end here. One last attempt to give it one more try. with given prayers (yes i actually did pray) First attempt, it turns on. with no problems. Whaa??.... i am speechless and ever since that day i have been reciving the above issues. Reformated 4 times since. while the problem isnt "occuring" everything works fine. I play splinter cell blacklist on max graphics..... So now that im finished typing this. Tell me WHAT THE HECK is going on. Some say hardware some say that its possible it could be a specific "Driver" is it my Graphics card? Or MB... I mean even plugging it into the ONBOARD didnt fix my issue a month ago.......not much more to say here. Thx in advanced for any help... best regards
edit: i actually ended up cancling my new mb order...
via Bleeping Computer Last 20 Posts http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/512023/serious-hardware-issue/
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