I will start this thread. Would be quite interesting i think
1) Antivirus ---> Avira (Excellent when using a lot of Flashdrives and as an overall scanner/detector. False Positives very minimal...)
2) Malware/Spyware/etc removal tool ---> Combofix (THE best) combined with SuperAntiSpyware + ESET Rogue Applications Remover
3) Rootkits --> Tdskiller
4) Auto Start Program Detector (used for detecting Automaticly Startup Programs) Sysinternal's "Autoruns"
5) THE best (only in MY eyes folks) Permissions Detector of files AND registry ---> Sysinternal's "AccessEnum"
via Bleeping Computer Last 20 Posts http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/512355/what-does-your-favourite-cleansing-tool-kit-consist-of/
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