jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Windows 8 for business

Hey everyone just a note,

I am the only person in my office/building running Windows 8. This is because Windows 7 is a more preferred OS for office use.

However In the future Windows 8 will be used in the office more and I'm using it so when people encounter problems I will be there to jump in to help just as I can with Windows 7, Vista and XP.

I noticed Windows 8.1 was released, but as I'm running a business version of it I cannot download it from the store it is quite a pain but I have to download 8.1 free from Microsoft and burn the image onto a disk then re-install it on my work PC and get a new key under Windows 8.1. This seems like such a hassle instead of just installing it. (you have to make sure you have upgrade rights)

So encase any of you using business Windows 8 and are not sure why you cannot upgrade to 8.1 then here it is. Also if you have any advice then please don't hesitate to do so.


via Bleeping Computer Last 20 Posts

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