samedi 12 octobre 2013

I Really Need A Hardware Techs Help On This One

I turned off my computer (Vista Home Premium 64BIT) and when I went to turn it on, the power button will light up and blink slowly but the computer will not start?

There is no 'spin up'?

Holding down the power button, (sometimes for almost 30 seconds) will shut the pc down but no matter how often I try to power on .. All I get is the slow blinking power button?

I've unplugged the pc for as long as a day .. same results!

The pc did this exact same thing last week but after shutting it down for an hour .. It started normally!?

Does this indicate a dead psu (power source)?

(power unit fan doesn't start?)

I've had harddrives go but the psu would still start up?

I have no idea where to go from here?

The slow blinking power button is exactly what the computer does in sleep mode but it wasn't in sleep mode?

(I shut it down)

Mouse movement nor keyboard movement has no effect.

(Just in case it somehow goes into sleep mode when powering on?)


Other hardware?

I can't even insert a rescue disc because .. nothing but the blinking power light comes on!

I went into the case to look around and found this black and white wire connector with a GP tag.

I looked for hours and couldn't find a place where it might connect?

It may not have been connected in the first place.

The connector end was laying under the processor fan and there is no place for a connection anywhere near there?

As (I hope) my pictures show .. the wires are .. one black and one white.

(two 'tiny' little slots for pin connection)


The other end of the wire runs under my cards and connects to the far right of that white connector you can see at the bottom left.


Looks like it connects to the motherboard?

I REALLY need some advice on this one folks!

Thank You.

via Bleeping Computer Last 20 Posts

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